October Tune

21 years old | rude and still not ginger | reads ya, fantasy, sci-fi, and basically everything else

Doctor Who: Summer Falls

Doctor Who: Summer Falls - James Goss,  James Goss Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

Those that watch Doctor Who will probably recognize this as the book Artie (one of the kids Clara was looking after) was reading, in the Bells of Saint John. Written by Amelia Williams, the Eleventh Doctor's companion. I was excited when I found out they actually released this story!

Summer Falls is about Kate, who wants do 'Get Something Done' in the last week before school starts. She becomes friends with her strange neighbours, a man who calls himself the Curator (which is obviously the Doctor), his cat, and a boy named Armand, whose father 'kills people'. Then, she finds a mysterious painting, and a ring, and then suddenly, it's winter, in September!

It's a very short story, only about 60 pages long, but I enjoyed it a lot. When I was on chapter nine, I remembered that in the episode Clara told Artie that 'Chapter eleven's the best, you'll cry your eyes out', so I was a tiny bit scared of what was going to happen. And indeed, the things that happened in the (small) chapter were sad (though I didn't exactly cry my eyes out, haha).

The story reminded me of a mixture of Coraline, the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and the Snowmen (the last two are Doctor Who Christmas specials), because of the cat who could suddenly talk in the winter world (Coraline), the winter world itself (Doctor, Widow, Wardrobe) and the Lord of Winter (the ice governess from the Snowmen). But that didn't make it a lesser story, in fact, I enjoyed it even more!

Because I don't know what to say about this short story anymore, here's two of my favourite quotes from it:

"Magic?" Kate snorted. "There is no such thing? Is there?" "Magic?" Barnabas (the Curator) shrugged. "Why not? Magic is cool!"

"[...] But a smell hung in the air. The smell of earth after rain. She sniffed, and somehow, oddly, she knew that she would never see the mysterious Barnabas ever again."

A nice short story, by one of my favourite companions (of course it wasn't really written by her, but shhh!)
Anna Dressed in Blood  - Kendare Blake Not as scary as I hoped it would be, but it was a nice read. Full review to come asap.
Allegiant  - Veronica Roth Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

So, here it is, Allegiant. The final book of the Divergent series. A series that I enjoyed a lot. I don’t remember who recommended the first book to me, but I want to thank them because they have given me one of my favourite book series. (And only Harry Potter and the Hunger Games are the only other series that have earned that title).

Allegiant is told from two point of views, Tris (of course) and Tobias/Four’s. Of course, we were all used to reading stuff from his POV thanks to ‘Free Four’ and ‘The Transfer’. And yes, I liked hearing the story being told from two POV’s, though I personally thought it wasn’t really necessary throughout at least two-thirds the book, because Tris and Tobias were together almost the entire time. I had hoped that they would go their separate ways, that one would stay behind in Chicago (so we would know what was going on the whole time) and the other would go outside of the fence, but they went outside together (which I also understand).

I also found it hard to distinguish Tris from Tobias, because the writing was just the same for both characters, and they almost had the same way of thinking. At some points, I asked myself why Tris would talk about Marcus like that, until I remembered that I was reading from Tobias’ point of view. That was a bit of a pity.

There were a lot of new characters in this book, and I actually found it hard to trust any of them except for the characters that were originally from Chicago then, like Amar and George. And I turned out to be right most of the time, so hey it might be good to be suspicious (like Tris is in this book) of certain people. But of course there were new characters that we could trust, and that also made me happy.

Of course, I was happy that some of the old characters came along with Tris and Tobias, and saddened by the deaths that happened, but nothing will sadden me more than that ending. OH MY GOD, THAT ENDING. I have heard a lot of people being angry at Veronica Roth for ending the book like that, but I actually like it. I thought it was very brave. On one side I had expected something like that to happen, on the other side I did not expect it at all.

That did not keep me from crying my eyes out throughout at least the last sixty or fifty pages. A (almost) perfect ending for a perfect series, and oh my gods. I can’t wait for the short Four stories that still have to be released. And though Allegiant has a couple of faults, I still gave it five well-earned stars!

Outside In / druk 1 (Harlequin Young Adult)

Outside In (Insider, #2) - Maria V. Snyder Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

A while ago I read Inside Out, the first book in this series, and though I liked the story, I didn’t really like the way it was written, which is probably why it took me so long to finish it (nearly a month). I decided to leave the second book for a while, and I kinda forgot about it until I saw this book in the supermarket. It was only three euros, and though it was in Dutch, I decided to buy it.

On Saturday, I spend an entire day without internet, and I figured I could start reading this book, because it might be an easy read. And indeed, it was. I finished it on the same day, and I might have enjoyed it a bit better than the first book.

The first thing I noticed, was that the names hadn’t changed at all. Usually, when a book gets translated into a different language, the names are being changed too, but as far as I can remember, all the names were still the same as they were in English. Though the Dutch writing seemed quite ‘childish’ to me (and I don’t really remember what Maria V. Snyder’s own writing is like), it did make it easier to read.

In this book, Trella has to deal with the fact that no one from the Lower Levels wants to work anymore, unless the ‘Uppers’ do the same jobs as they do. Then, there’s the problem of people trying to sabotage the ship (which is what we found out at the end of the last book, and it might be a tiny spoiler), and the fact that there is something outside the ship wants to get in.

And then of course, there is Riley, and a lot of other problems that Trella and the Insiders have to deal with. Honestly, I thought this book had a bit more action, and I liked the fact that there was something in the Outside that wanted to get Inside.

I might go and reread the book in English soon, just to see how differently the writing is, but first I’m going to read the other 50+ books on my to-read shelf!

Paper Dolls (The Dollhouse Trilogy #2)

Paper Dolls - Anya Allyn

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

I was so spooked out by the first book in this series, mostly because of the clown and the whole doll thing, that I was a tiny bit reluctant to read the second book, because I was afraid it might be even more spooky. Honestly, I thought it was quite a bit less spooky than the first book. I was so happy when Cassie finally got out of the dollhouse, and she could get all of that behind her, but then I remembered it was only the beginning of the story, and that bad things could still happen.

I found myself skimming the first couple of chapters, because I just wanted to know what was going to happen at the end of the chapters, and I wanted to know how the story would continue. Eventually I calmed down, and got myself to properly read every sentence, so I would know what exactly had happened.

The POV changed between Cassie in the 'now' and Jessamine in the 1920's, which I liked, because we found out more about the mysterious Jessamine. Jessamine, who was supposed to get married to this creepy 30+ guy, who I really wanted to punch in the face sometimes. Jessamine who worked at a circus, and whose grandfather made the underground dollhouse, for her to be safe. Well, what a big mistake that turned out to be!

After a couple of chapters, I found it really hard to trust people (especially after I found out certain people's last names), and I just hardly trust any of the new characters we met, I just kept on thinking that they were going to betray Cassie or Jessamine, and most of the time I found out I was right. Though I had not expected the plot-twist at the end, which really made me so angry.

I liked this book, though I would still prefer the first book, and I can't wait to read more in this series. I've got the third one ready, though I might wait with reading it for a while. And I've just read that there's going to be a fourth book in the series, and that made me really happy!

Out of the characters, I liked Molly the most, because she was really determined to find out why the dollhouse was there, and why the girls were kept there (which we will find out somewhere in this book, though Molly and Cassie won't). I liked Zach as well, because he really cared for Cassie. Until the end, then, because he turned out to be the biggest asshole in the world. 

I really did not like the original Henry Fiveash, and his wife (I think), Audette; especially Audette was the most annoying person ever, and I just wanted to slap her in the face sometimes. Henry was just disgusting at some points (saying things like 'Jessamine if you weren't my cousin' when walking into the bathroom where Jessamine was showering), and Mr. Baldcott (the guy that Jessamine was supposed to get married to) was the biggest creep I ever read about.

The last two or so chapters of the book made me really confused, and I think I might have to go and reread those chapters, because it all happened so fast, and I just really thought I landed in a Doctor Who episode (everything was wibbly-wobbly and cliffhangers and such).

Anyway, if you like a good horror story, you should read Dollhouse and Paper Dolls!

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

After reading ‘Splintered’, a story based on Alice in Wonderland, I thought to myself that I hadn’t actually read the original story by Lewis Carroll. I found a nice copy on the Book Depository and after it arrived I found out that it had Through the Looking Glass as well.

I found it easy to read Alice in Wonderland, because I had watched the Disney movie a couple of days before I started reading the book, so I still knew most of the things that happened. There were some parts in the book that weren’t in the movie, and the other way around (some of which that were in Through the Looking Glass), but it was still easy to read. I liked the part where Alice had tea with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, because I just like the Mad Hatter (especially the version from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland movie…)

When I started Through the Looking Glass, I found it hard to read. Perhaps it was because I waited a month after reading AiW to read TtLG, but it was also a bit harder because most of the things from the latter weren’t in the Disney movie, except for Tweedledee and Tweedledum and their poem about the Walrus and the Carpenter, and after reading that, I actually just skimmed the pages to see if there was something I had seen in the movie as well. I didn’t really find anything after that, so I put the book aside, and I might go and finish Through the Looking Glass later, but I am not entirely sure.

I really wanted to know more about Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, but I just f0und it hard to continue the story (I think it was mostly the writing, as I am not fan of classics, which I’ve probably said about a hundred times before). I liked the drawings that were inside the book, and it gave me a good idea of what some creatures in Wonderland looked like.

But if I may be honest, I prefer Splintered, though that’s not really the original story. And I will just keep to the Disney movie from now on!

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour - Morgan Matson

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

Every time I read a book about road trips, I feel like going on a road trip myself. After Saving June I wanted to go, and after Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes I just hoped someone would do that to me too, leave me little blue envelopes to tell me where to go and what to do. The fact that I don't have a driver's licence, or a car makes it a bit more complicated. Oh well, perhaps in the future!

This is why I was really enthusiastic about reading Amy and Roger's Epic Detour, because it was about a road trip, and I just wanted to read more road trip books. This book also has a little extra something; it has receipts, pictures, postcards, and information about the states they went through in between the pages of the book. At the beginning of the story, Amy had gotten a sort of scrapbook from her mum, to use during the trip. Her mum had also given her directions on how to drive, and how to get from California to Connecticut in four days, but this book wouldn't have been called 'Amy & Roger's Epic DETOUR' if they hadn't decided to completely ignore those instructions, and make up their own route instead.

Throughout the story, Amy and Roger meet new people (mostly Amy's the one meeting new people, aka Roger's friends), eating local food, spending a lot of money on snacks, burger, fries; and they just have a lot of fun. They spend a night at Yosemite park, drive all the way through Nevada on the Loneliest road in America, and eat in one of the most expensive restaurants in Louisville. The receipts, playlists and pictures just complete the story, in my opinion.

Out of all the characters, I could relate to Amy the most. She is probably just as 'awkward' around people as I am. Not knowing what to say, how to say it, not knowing what to do in certain situations, feeling awkward when strange people hug you out of nowhere, yeah I felt like I was reading a story about myself to be honest (except for the whole awesome road trip part, oh I would have loved that to be true).

Like I said earlier, I liked the playlists that Amy and Roger listened to during driving, I recognized some of the songs, and I saw that there were two songs by Jack's Mannequin in two of the playlists, and I just really love Jack's Mannequin! I am thinking about making a playlist with all the songs from this story, so I can listen to them when I reread the story, and actually pretend I am in the car with them!

This story also had some flashbacks, in which you found out more about Amy's family, and about the accident her dad died in. Though I normally don't like flashbacks (especially if they're just randomly thrown into the story, with no proper announcement), I kinda liked it in this book. Normally, it would take you out of the story completely, but I was just so curious to find out what happened to Amy's dad, that it didn't bother me at all.

If there was one thing I didn't like, it was the way Hadley treated Roger throughout the story. And the way the book ended, I kinda wanted to find out what Amy's mum thought of the whole detour, and I just wanted to read more about Charlie, Amy's twin brother. Other than that, I really enjoyed the story, and I recommend it to everyone who wants to read a nice road trip story!

How I Live Now

How I Live Now - Meg Rosoff

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Honestly, after seeing the trailer (of the movie based on this book) I thought the book might be good. I had tried reading it before, but I thought my ebook version was a bit weird, because the dialogue was all wibbly-wobbly. But it turned out that the dialogue was actually written like that. No quotation marks, no commas to indicate where the dialogue started and stopped (well sometimes there was), nothing.

The way the story was written, with Daisy telling that she was going to write down how the war changed her life, reminded me a bit of Tomorrow When the War Began (and also with the whole unknown enemy thing); but that was probably just a coincidence. I liked the story, apart from the whole incest thing. Really, why do people think that it's a good idea to write about incest? Why? If you want your main character to fall in love with someone, you can just make up that they're a friend of your cousin, not your cousin! They're fictional, anything is possible! You can make up anything! Okay, of course, they can make up that their main character fell in love with their cousin but why?!

A lot of things were quite unclear to me, for example there was this conversation between Daisy and Major McEvoy, and then she said something like 'eleven letters starting with E', and I spend the rest of the book trying to think of an eleven lettered word that started with an E. It was probably mentioned before in the book, but who remembers every word mentioned in a book? That's right, no one. There was also a part where someone (I'm not gonna mention names, because spoilers) was shot, and this other guy started getting out of the car, and apparently, he was shot too. I had to read that part THREE times before I understood what happened. At first, I just thought they drove off without the second guy, but it turned out he had died as well.

I told myself I'd read fifty pages, and see if it had improved after that. It didn't, but I read on because I'm like that (I don't like leaving books unfinished). At the end, Daisy got a phone call from someone, and then apparently 'part zero' ended, because after that we got 'part one' (it might have been that my e-book was wibbly-wobbly and part one was actually supposed to be called part two, but I have no idea). Part one was written a lot better than the rest of the book, with proper quotation marks, because apparently Daisy was a grown-up now and grown-ups write properly. Honestly, if the book had been written better, and if they hadn't included the whole incest thing, I might have liked the book more. Books about wars (fictional or non-fictional ones) have always interested me, but this one was actually a bit 'boring' (not very action packed until I was at page eighty or so). I'm just really a fan of action-packet stories.

Still, I'm glad I read the book, because then I'll probably understand the movie a bit better (If they ever decide to play it in the Netherlands, because IMDb hasn't got a Dutch date, hmpff).

City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments)

City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

Fair warning, if you loved this book, you might not want to read this review. Also, this review might have some spoilers in it, so I won't read it if you haven't finished the book yet! When I first finished City of Bones (the first book in the series), I told myself I wouldn't continue this series. I didn't like CoB at all, and I thought that the rest of the series would probably be as bad. After rereading the first book a couple of weeks ago, I decided to read at least the second and third book, because those where the original books in the series (until Clare thought it might be a good idea to write three more books). I decided to read CoA because I just wanted to know how it went on, without having to read other people's opinions, but I kinda regret it a bit. Not only where the big surprises in this book not a surprise to me because of the movie (I honestly don't get why you would spoil stuff from the next books in the first movie, honestly!), it just wasn't better than the first. Okay, maybe a little bit.

The first thing I noticed, was that the point of view in the book changes a lot. First they'd be telling the story from Jace's POV, and then a couple of parts further it would be from Clary's. Sometimes it was from Simon's POV, or Maia's (which is a new character, and I'll talk about her later). Everyone probably already knows that I HATE books with multiple POV's. Sometimes, I get used to it, when it's done correctly. Like in Requiem, the book switched between Lena and Hana, one chapter would be told from Lena's POV, and the other from Hana's.

This book did not do it correctly. I found it really annoying, and confusing at some points, and I just really hope the other books are not like this. There are two other things that I don't like in books (and in real life); incest and love-triangles. And hey, guess what? This book had both of them! The way Clary and Jace were still in love with each other though they knew they were brother and sister made me feel a bit weird at some times. The whole kissing scene in that Seelie Court (or whatever it was called, I don't remember) made me feel really bad for Simon and ugh. Gross.

And then there's the love-triangle thing. Clary is in love with both Simon and Jace, oh no, what should she do?! Kiss both of them of course, because that's what always happens in every book that has two love-interests for the main character. WHY DO WRITERS FEEL THE NEED TO DO THIS, HONESTLY?!

In City of Bones, I had a list of words that I didn't know and I didn't even bother looking them up. I don't get why writers like to use 'difficult' and fancy words, while they can simply just use the easy version of it. We are teenagers (okay maybe not me, but most people that read this book are), we don't all know the meaning of all those difficult words, we don't feel like reading a book with a dictionary next to it! At least, I don't. Luckily, City of Ashes had less difficult words (either that, or I just completely ignored them, that might also be it), so that made me a bit happier.

Now onto the characters. I have two favourite characters. Luke and Simon. Not only because they are played by two of my favourite characters, I just like them. Luke is a werewolf that owns a bookstore, and he's just awesome, and Simon is just adorable.

Like I said earlier, we were introduced to a couple of new characters in this book, one of which was Maia; a fifteen (or sixteen I have no idea, I think at one point she was sixteen, and then at another she was fifteen, I might have read it wrong though) year old werewolf girl from Luke's pack. I liked her, and I felt bad for her. Not only did she have an abusive brother, after finally getting rid of her brother, she got an abusive boyfriend who was eventually the one who changer her into a werewolf. And then she got forgotten throughout the entire book. At least, that's what it felt like to me.

There was a part in which they were all at Luke's house. Maia left the living room and hid in the kitchen because she'd been crying; and then we don't hear about her for a long time. There is a tiny part afterwards in which she leaves the house and gets captured by Valentine, and then we don't hear from her for a while. Then, on Valentine's boat, she is tortured (HER HAIR GETS TORN OUT OF HER HEAD, she gets silver powder all over her face/body, and we all know that werewolves are 'allergic' to silver), and then gets freed by Clary, pushed through a hole in the wall, after which we don't hear anything from her anymore. Though Clary asked whether she was safe (among other people), she is told that everyone is safe, but we don't hear anything from Maia anymore. Not a word. We don't hear whether she died, whether she's safe, nothing.

Then there are the characters that I DIDN'T like. Clary, Jace, the Inquisitor, Valentine; Clary because she's just really annoying. I can't really give you a perfect example, but I was just annoyed throughout the book. And Jace, oh god Jace. He picked a fight with several werewolves, visited his father after being told he couldn't leave the house, being a total ass to almost everyone in the book. Ugh. The Inquisitor made me want to punch a wall. Though I hate Jace, I thought she was completely unreasonable with him, not believing everything he said. She reminded me of Snape, punishing someone's child just because you hate the parent. I can't stand people like that. And of course, Valentine was just an ass. Grrrrrr.

I am not the first, and I will certainly not be the last, but both CoB and CoA have some Harry Potter (not just HP though, but these were the ones that I noticed because I'm a huge HP fan of course) 'influences' to it. I know about Clare's plagiarism history, so it made me feel a bit uneasy when I read those things. I'll give you two examples from this book: Valentine is looking for the Mortal Instruments, three objects that (if I'm correct) make you the ultimate Shadowhunter. Voldemort was looking for the Deathly Hallows (okay eventually he was looking for only one, but shhhh), three objects that make you the ultimate wizard/witch. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Then, there was a demon, called Argamon (which reminded me of Pokémon), who 'takes the form of whatever most terrifies you'. And then apparently it also 'feeds on fear'. A bit like a boggart and a dementor in one, what fun!

I am not saying Clare stole these things from the Harry Potter series, but I mean, seriously.

The following part might have some spoilers in them for those who haven't read this book yet. Then there was Clary, who is a Shadowhunter. But apparently that is not enough, no! She has to be a SPECIAL Shadowhunter, because why would the main character be a normal Shadowhunter?! That's ridiculous! No, Clary can make up her own runes, wow wow wow so special! In this book, Simon is made a vampire (which I already knew, THANK YOU COB MOVIE) and wow no not an ordinary vampire, what the hell were you thinking?! NO HE'S A VAMPIRE THAT CAN WITHSTAND SUNLIGHT WOW SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE SIMON (He's still my favourite character though, shh). Why can't they just be an ordinary Shadowhunter, and an ordinary vampire, ugh. (sorry I just let myself go at this bit, but ugh).

To make a long story short, I didn't enjoy this book. I am going to read the third book, because that was supposed to be the last in the series. I don't know if I'll read anything beyond that, but we'll see what happens after I've read the third book.

Doctor Who: Way through the Woods

Doctor Who: The Way Through the Woods - Una McCormack

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

After finishing this book, I started to wonder whether there are any BAD Doctor Who books at all. Though I wasn't really a fan of Hunter's Moon, I did enjoy it, but other than that I really loved all the DW books that I've read until now. Sure, I haven't read ALL the DW books in the world yet, there are about 51 New Series Adventures books, of which I have only read seven. And then there are the Classic Series still, which have about 156 books. I'll just go and read as much DW books as I can, so I can find out if there really are bad Doctor Who books.

But now onto this one. I haven't made a lot of notes for this book, because I was really into it (I finished it within twenty-four hours). I really, really loved it, and I would love to have seen this one as an episode. I liked the way it was written, and like I've probably said earlier, I don't mind the changing POV's at all with the Doctor Who books; because in this way you find out more of the story through other people's eyes.

This story was mostly written from both Amy and Rory's POV's, seeing as the Doctor spend most of his time in a cell at the Police station. At first I suspected the Weeping Angels to be the reason why people disappeared, and I actually hoped they'd be (even though they weren't on the cover of the book), but alas, it turned out to be a different alien (which sounded awesome to me as well).

There is one part in the book, that I just really loved, and I am just going to quote it. It does have a tiny spoiler in it, but it's not a very big part of the story.

"And Rory knew he would - for Amy. His amazing, wonderful, alarming, smashing Amy, the memory of whom flooded back into his head now. Rory nearly cried to think he could ever have forgotten him."

Rory was thinking about how he spend two-thousand years waiting and protecting the Pandorica (in the episode 'The Big Bang'), because Amy was inside that box. And this quite is just wonderful, because Amy and Rory are my favourite fictional couple, and this sentence just reminds me why I love them so much, because they love each other so much they couldn't bear to live without each other.

I loved how in the end everyone got their happy end, and yeah I just really loved it, I haven't got much more to say about it.

This Is Not a Test

This is Not a Test - Courtney Summers

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I was surprised by this book. I had read some reviews that said that this book had zombies in them, which made me a bit reluctant to read them, but the reviews also said the story wasn't about zombies. Sure enough, they were there, banging on the doors of the school the six kids were hiding in; attacking the two kids that dared to go outside, etc, but the zombies weren't really the biggest problem (okay maybe a bit). The biggest problem had to do with the six kids that were trapped inside their old school.

I haven't made a lot of notes with this book, because I was just so into it (I really liked it), so I don't really have any reasons why I liked this book so much. It might have been because the characters all had problems of their own, Sloane was dealing with the fact that she actually wanted to die, Trace and Grace (twins, hence the names) were dealing with the fact that they had no idea whether their parents were still alive, and so on.

Of course, with a zombie apocalypse (with any apocaplypse actually), people die, but one death in particular made me really really sad. I just wasn't expecting it to happen like that, and I just wanted that person to be happy for the rest of their life, not die like this.

The thing I didn't like so much, was the open ending. I really want to know what happened to the characters, if they made it to the place they were planning on going, what happened to the person that lead the zombies away from the other people, I just didn't want the book to end like that. That's why it got the score it has, because I hate open endings.

The Long Weekend

The Long Weekend - Savita Kalhan

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This book made me realize that there are horrible people in the world; horrible, horrible people. Though the genre says 'horror', I wasn't really horrified or scared or anything, just extremely disgusted when I found out what happened. I haven't made many notes with this book, because I was so busy reading it, and it was just so short, that there wasn't really much I liked/didn't like.

I have written a couple of times the things I wanted to do with that man that took Sam and Lloyd, and I'll tell you, they aren't nice things. I think I actually might have cheered at the end of the book, when I found out what happened with him.

I do think people should read this book, because it's a good book; I believe this is the first book that I've read that tells the story of the abducted one, and not their families (though I haven't read much books about people getting abducted).

I did like the part where Sam talked about Aragorn from Lord of the Rings; and when he compared the paintings in the house to the ones at Hogwarts. Yay!

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson, Book 4)

The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 4) - Rick Riordan

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

I do think this is my favourite book out of the series, until now (though there's only one book left, and that book might be the best one but hey, I'll find that out later). Like the summary says, in this book, Percy, Annabeth, Tyson and Grover enter the Labyrinth; an incredible maze that is right underneath the earth's surface, and goes almost underneath the entire world.

I liked the way the labyrinth was described, though I would never EVER enter it; I didn't find it hard to imagine where they were. Some of the creatures however were kinda hard for me to imagine. For example, there was a creature with more than a hundred arms; and a creature with apparently there chests (though you're able to wear three shirts at a time, which might come in handy when you can't decide what to wear).

Some of the chapter titles were really funny, for example this one: "*name* buys happy meals for the dead' (I didn't put the name in it because spoiler). I also found myself comparing all the Greek gods and goddesses to their Norse 'twins', but that's because I've watched quite a lot of Almighty Johnsons lately.

With the last two books, I had the idea that I had missed a couple of pages of the book, because sometimes they'd be talking about something that apparently happened between the books, and I found myself confused. This was the first book in the series with which I didn't have this, which I felt really happy about. This is also one of the first book in which I had not expected the plot twist at all, perhaps for a couple of pages before it happened, but for the entire book I had not expected that to happen.

Like in any other book that has battles, people died, but that didn't stop me from being sad when I found out certain characters died. I just really don't like characters dying, especially not if they are among my favourites (nine out of ten times, when I call a character my favourite, they die, ugh).

Also this book made me ship a certain ship, and I just really want to know what happens to them in the next book (and that new series, Heroes of Olympus; which I am definitely going to read as soon as I've read the last book in this series). Yay!

Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have)

Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn't Have) - Sarah Mlynowski

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

I don't really like chick lit's, or books that revolve around romance, and this book reminded me why. Basically, April has been really excited, because she's about to have sex with her boyfriend for the first time. But her dad ruins it for her, by telling her that they are moving away, to another state!

The fact that the words 'omigod', and 'pretty please' were used made me feel a bit weird, I mean which grown up says 'pretty please'?! And what is wrong with just writing 'oh my god'? Besides the fact that April's dad and stepmum actually let her stay at the house of a friend, and her friend's mum (though they NEVER even met the mum) felt a bit unrealistic, no parent would do that, honestly. I also didn't really like the constant flashbacks, I mean I'm perfectly fine with people in books telling what happened in the past, but why not just tell it during the story, and why have all these annoying flashbacks all the time?

If I'm honest, I did like the whole 'ten things we did, and probably shouldn't have', but I was just annoyed by the fact that April wanted to have sex with her boyfriend so badly. I just don't get why teenagers feel the need to have sex as soon as possible (okay they were in a relationship for nearly two years but whatever).

I kinda figured out how the book was going to end somewhere in the middle, but there were some parts of it that I didn't expect, and that did left me quite surprised after all. I wanted to like this book, because I liked the concept, but I ended up not liking it at all; a bit of a shame.

Doctor Who: Hunter's Moon

Doctor Who: Hunter's Moon - Paul Finch

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

First of all, I was surprised that it was a paperback. All of my other Doctor Who books are hardcovers (with two exceptions, The Silent Stars Go By (a special edition), and Doctor Who and the Loch Ness monster (a classic who book)). But that didn't keep me from reading the book, of course, in fact I actually enjoyed it a bit more, because I find paperbacks easier to read.

There was a prologue, only about two or three pages long, that reminded me a lot of the Hunger Games. This kid was hunted by people with weapons, and attacked by a weird creature. The more I read of this book, the more similarities I found with THG. I am not saying that the writer had stolen the idea from THG, but it just reminded me of it. Basically, Rory gets captured and shipped off to the moon (Gorgoror) to become prey (a tribute), and the Doctor joins the hunters (careers) to save Rory's life (and that of the other humans of course). Amy is also captured, but she becomes a waitress/cleaner on the ship. Her hair is made more colourful, and she works with girls wearing a lot of colourful make-up (capitol people).

I did enjoy the story, and I am again not saying that I think it's stolen from the Hunger Games. But this has got to be the least interesting Doctor Who book I have read until now. Although it was quite action packed (Rory and his 'companions' getting hunted by not only those Todoran hunters, but by weird creatures that want to kill them), the Doctor and Dora running from creatures as well), I just didn't enjoy it that much. I was really happy with how the book ended, and I got a bit excited when Amy was allowed to fly the TARDIS (a bit of a spoiler perhaps, but okay).

If you want to read a nice Doctor Who story, I would rather recommend you read 'Shroud of Sorrow', or 'Touched by an Angel', but hey 'Hunter's Moon' was a nice read as well!

Parasite (Parasitology #1)

Parasite - Mira Grant

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This has not changed my opinion on the book in any way.

I chose to read this book, because first of all the cover looked nice. And then I read the summary, and thought it might be a nice book to read. The only problem was that I would either have to read it on my computer, or my phone. Eventually, I chose to read it on my phone, because that would mean that I could read it while I was traveling, and lying in bed, without having my heavy laptop with me.

The book starts off with a piece of text from somewhere in the middle of the book, which is something I sometimes like, and sometimes don't. In this case, I liked it, though it made me think the book would be kinda action packed (or well, at least as thrilling as that piece was). It wasn't really that action packed in my opinion, but it was still interesting.

The first 50-something per cent of the book, we're introduced to the main characters; Sal/Sally Mitchell, who miraculously survives a massive car-crash. Her family, mum, dad, and sister Joyce. Sal's boyfriend Nathan Kim; the people Sal works with at the animal shelter, the people at the hospital where Nathan works, the people from SymboGen. Nothing much happens, except for some cases of 'sleepwalking sickness' as they call it.

Every chapter starts with either a quote from a book, an unpublished autobiography or an interview, which I liked at first, but I started to get a bit annoyed with it in the end, and though the information in those pieces would probably be of importance for the next chapter, I just quickly skimmed through it so I could read the story again. The passages from the book were all so alike, that I had the feeling I was reading the same part over and over again.

The whole tapeworm situation made me think of the Torchwood book 'Slow Decay', in which people take diet pills, which actually have a little alien inside; that alien eats everything the person eats, making the person able to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. But of course, the alien starts asking for more, and eventually the people start eating so much, that they even start eating animals, people, and themselves. That book made me feel very nauseous, because I just really do not like cannibalism.

In this book, the only part that actually made me feel sick was Tansy talking about blowing other people's kneecaps off.

I had kind off predicted how the book would end somewhere in the middle of the story, but that didn't keep me from getting surprised at some points, and I literally said 'WHAT' out loud a couple of times while reading. The many medical terms and hard words that were used made me confused sometimes, because even though some of them were explained the first time they were used, by the time I read the word a second time, I would have forgotten the meaning completely. But that's just because I don't remember words like that easily.

Out of all the characters, I think I liked Sal, Nathan, and Tansy (though sometimes she could be really violent), the most. I liked the relationship that Sal and Nathan have, and I just LOVED Beverly. Though I am not very fond of big dogs, I would have liked to have a Beverly at my side in a situation like this. Or just any other animal, but I would rather have a Beverly.

I really enjoyed this book, a lot, and I am certainly going to read the next one. Not just because this book kinda ends in a cliff-hanger (or well, it just ends with a 'to be continued...' which I really do not like), I just really liked the story! It was well written; no mistakes and no hard words that weren't explained (as far as I remember). I am going to give a try to the other books the writer has written, though they are (also) about zombies (I don't really call the sleepwalkers zombies though, but some people might). I am not overly fond of zombies, but I might just give it a try!

Currently reading

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Stewart Lewis
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A Game of Thrones
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